New Website

8 Feb 2012 1 min read 3 comments Blog
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Well we usually like to try and give a face lift every year, and this year is our most exciting!

We have added several new features to help both users and business owners.  As well as the list of features below we have improved and added extra map features and added better social interaction abilities.

New user features:

  • Social Connect –  users can now signup with their favorite social network account and post comments and reviews
  • Users can also now upload images with  their reviews or post images of events.
  • Users can list events, points of interest (POI) and things to do for free (non commercial)
  • Self Catering, B&B and Hotels can now be sorted/listed by price, accommodates and by reviews.
  • Users can add places and events to  their favorites.
  • Category listings have a pin point feature to locate places on the sidebar map.

New Business owner features

  • Owners can now edit  their listing any time (once user is confirmed)
  • Image/gallery order can now be re-arranged.
  • Business owners can see Google Analytic stats on  their listing
  • Business owners can moderate  their own reviews (but not change the review score!)
  • Owners can link events to  their business.


We hope you enjoy the new site and we would really appreciate any comments or suggestions.

Author: admin

3 responses to “New Website”

  1. Well done, looks good.

  2. Claire Connor Avatar
    Claire Connor

    Hi I have added a listing and paid for the year but the listing is still not live on the site? Can someone please respond to my Enquiry submitted via your contact us form.

  3. Claire Connor Avatar
    Claire Connor

    Hi I have added a listing and paid for the year but the listing is still not live on the site. Can someone please respond to my Enquiry submitted via your contact us form.

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